Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pretty Much Sums It Up

So the USASG guys are getting all hi-tech, y'all! Serial loser Benchseats Rock mentioned to the peanut gallery that you can keep tabs on the armed constabulary by way of sites like rollcallradio.com (or scanbaltimore.com). Hee hee! Listen for the poh-pohs, maybe you'll know when they're coming.

A loyal reader takes a listen and notes:

Pretty interesting site, someones favorite SW was just arrested and taken to CB, unfortunately she was infested with FLEA's

Yup...that's the state of affairs in mongerdom. Their sex workers have fleas (amongst other vermin). Awesome.

One more reason for the wifey back at the trailer park to wonder why you're itching.

Quiet Tonight

Pat Guthrie of Herkimer St and Jodie Buettner were on the prowl. SD Patrol asked them to get lost, and they did. Well...Jodie came back after a while. Then they chased her off again. Danielle and Melanie seemed to know to stay scarce. The guys in SD Patrol really do seem to do a great job, and they don't gripe about getting 911 calls from citizens asking them to de-hooker the corner of Carey and Washington Blvd--they know they'll get fewer calls for drug nuisances and trash dumping and loitering and fighting and violence and shooting when the girls are providing the money that is the engine powering urban blight.

The pickings really are slim for mongers here, and that's a good thing. The corners stay clear, the dealers only make a couple bucks selling to Danielle and Melanie on the sly on 1300 Ward St, and little kids are able to play and their mothers able to walk down the street without dirty old men soliciting them.

Progress, dare I say it.

Baltimore really is a gleaming jewel of an Inner Harbor surrounded by a river a bullshit and grimey blighted third world shytehole. You can't save all of it. Frankly...you wouldn't want to. But our little corner of it can be alright if we actually give a shit about it. Encouraging the mongers to take their action elsewhere sure does help.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Prostitution and FTA

Busted for prostitution and failed to appear.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I Remember Thinking...

...as I took the dog for a walk on the way out the door yesterday that there's no way in the quick walk I was on that I'd be lucky enough to catch a monger mongering. I was in a hurry and it was just a quick pup jaunt.

I thought wrong. Just your bad luck pal that I was there to see you pick up a rather haggard looking and weatherworn Scabface Melanie on the corner of Bayard and the Blvd (yup, right across from a school letting children out for the day) around 4pm on 5/19/10.

Red Subaru beater station wagon.

MD tags: 066 BLD or 066 BLO (that last digit was tough to see for sure as the old white guy sped off...sorry Sarge, guess you'll have to pull both and see which is a red Subaru :))

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Here Kitty Kitty

Lest ye think I'm a heartless bastid, I really do try to be cordial with the girls who've had the misfortune of falling in to the Pigtown crackwhore lifestyle. Some of them have really sad stories. Pat has kids at home on Herkimer and is fighting a habit. Heather Law apparently had a really rough childhood. Kitten (AKA Phyllis Amonica) has an estranged family and is a particularly sad case--we had helped her get cleaned up and in a rehab program where she was able to detox, apparently have a child (shudder), and put some weight back on.

Now she's back.

I saw her get picked up by a late model orange Chevy SST mini-SUV, MD tags 4CL-360. I was going to give the guy a pass, thinking he was a good samaritan trying to get Phyllis Kitten Amonica into rehab again.

Then, about five minutes later, a female friend reported being solicited by some douchebag on the Blvd.

Me: "Was it an orange late model Chevy SST minature SUV type deal with MD tags 4CL-360?"

Her: "How the fuck did you know that?"


Yeah, that was him. Sarge, do your worst. And Phyllis...we told you we wouldn't use your name here as long as you didn't come back.

You came back. Bummer.

Return of the Nutsack Express?

Reddish Orange Chevy Avalanche, with Firefighter (C over F) tags (MD tag 0522) was spotted today. A long time monger who seemed to disappear after being outed in one of our video exposes, he was spotted driving on Ramsay today.

We know he doesn't live around here, but I didn't see him making a pickup either, so I can't confirm the identity of the presumed prostitute in his passenger seat.

Consider this a placeholder bub--if you're back to your old ways, there's a new sheriff in town, who goes by Sgt. K. Many a recent monger divorce and the general dearth of hookers/dicksucking on the WW loop has been thanks to his letters and phone calls to people identified here. Nothing the wife likes less than learning you were out scoring toothless beejays from nasty crackwhores in the big city while she thought you were making a run for cat food.

Just...don't come back.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Danielle Is Out Of Jail

And MD tags 8FZ E34 (or maybe BFZ E34) was dumb enough to pick her up and drop her off on the 1300blk of Ward St.

Black Hyundai or Nissan Sedan, 12:40am 5/14/10.