Thursday, May 20, 2010

I Remember Thinking... I took the dog for a walk on the way out the door yesterday that there's no way in the quick walk I was on that I'd be lucky enough to catch a monger mongering. I was in a hurry and it was just a quick pup jaunt.

I thought wrong. Just your bad luck pal that I was there to see you pick up a rather haggard looking and weatherworn Scabface Melanie on the corner of Bayard and the Blvd (yup, right across from a school letting children out for the day) around 4pm on 5/19/10.

Red Subaru beater station wagon.

MD tags: 066 BLD or 066 BLO (that last digit was tough to see for sure as the old white guy sped off...sorry Sarge, guess you'll have to pull both and see which is a red Subaru :))

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