Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's been quiet lately...

...and since PJW has been letting a few things slide, apparently the johns are starting to think they can go back to business as usual.

Tonight I couldn't help but notice that a white Chevy 1500 pickup, late model, with MD tags 26W-2297 decided to drop Donna the friendly prostitute off on my corner.

Dude: if you're going to do it, at least have the sense to not use the corner of Carroll and Bayard for the drop off. Especially don't do it if I happen to be sitting there in my truck.

Lately Donna, Melanie (who had her crack baby apparently and must have given it up for adoption as she's back out on the street and obviously no longer pregnant), and the she/he tall skinny prostitute have been crashing at 1220 Carroll Street.

Apparently the chap who owned the place had been letting the old hunchbacked "Jodie lookalike" prostitute live there, and he died...and now every hooker in the hood is living there at 1220 and collectively they're making that block miserable. Maybe there's something the city can do...we'll find out.

They're buying their dope from 1353 Carroll a good bit. And 1410 Carroll as well. I sense that BPD is going to be doing some asskickery around here soon.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

New John

54387M4, red late 90s Jeep Cherokee. Dropping off the really tall skinny Latin looking hooker and then speeding off on Bayard at a high rate of speed, drawing all sorts of attention to himself, as though we wouldn't notice him if he peeled out like a maniac after dropping her off.

Send him our regards, Sarge.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's A Shame

It's a shame that someone who was once clean lapsed back into prostituting herself for drugs. It's a shame that such a person, a young lady who was prom-queen pretty (and still could be if she could clean herself up) can't value herself enough to stay clean and not demean herself. It's a shame that she can look at someone who lives a normal family life and just wants a quiet place where women don't have to worry about being solicited by demented old perverts as the person with the problem and not herself. It's a shame that, while she freely admits that she recognizes that what she does negatively impacts the people around her, she can't confront her problem and stay clear of the CDS that owns her mind.

Madam, I'm sorry it bugs you that the johns around here you associate with find themselves on this website, and your name goes along for the ride.

But there's an easy solution--quit hooking, and you won't have to worry about what goes up on this site.

Sorry. That's the only answer. You'll have to get used to the idea.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bayard Blowjob

I know it looks like a good place to get a beej in broad daylight, right? I mean...there's only a sign business, 40 houses, a school, and two convenience stores within about 90 feet of where the dumbass in the silver Buick, MD tags GSK-413 was getting blown by Danielle this afternoon.

Danielle, since I know you check in here once in a while, come the fuck on on. You KNOW BETTER.

Knock it off please.

Oh, and Jodie? Go fuck yourself. That's nice you have new teeth. You still drag your five year old son down street while you're trolling for dope like the disgusting human you are. Your friend in the black van (who I see changed his tags) might not be able to be serviced by you, but he's still bringing you here to score your dope and that won't fly.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

He's Baaaaaaaack!

Our PJW stings from last fall really decimated the john population around here. The USASG guys pretty much threw in the towel (they even recently posted a map of the "loops" referring to Pigtown as my "turf" and advising other mongers to steer clear) when they saw that yeah...you might find yourself on YouTube if you don't knock it off.

One guy didn't get the message; as promised, every john got one warning. If you came back...your tag goes up on PJW for all to see.

122M963, MD tags. Ford Fusion or some such micro-SUV, black. Indian (as in Asian Indian) male driver. We have some great footage of him somewhere looking like a goon when he realizes our model isn't interested in 'dating' him. Might have to dig that up.

Sarge, remind him that we weren't joking.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Take Out, Or Eat In

Most of the girls working the corners in Pigtown hop in johns' cars and speed off to turn the tricks and get their "medicine". But we're receiving reliable reports that at 780 Washington Blvd (an address known to be problematic for drug trafficking in the alley behind the building) that a local black female sex worker is seeing johns in her place.

Latest sighting: light skinned black male in a silver Honda, MD tags 4AT R74.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Don't Think That's Healthcare

The really skinny brunette hooker (who's usually on Bush St since she was nice enough to agree to not hook in front of the school) waved to me from the car as she drove past me tonight. Hilarious.

She was in a red Chevy Cavalier late model with MD Registered Nurse tags (R over an N) 0338. Her "date" was driving around, probably looking for her medicine.

The driver was a white male in his 60s, but that's probably his wife's car. Unfortunate. He keeps carrying on with her, and they'll both need some healthcare.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Nice To Know...

...I'm getting under your skin, Jodie. The more you bitch, the more I'm going to keep exposing what a cancer you are on the neighborhood, and keep reminding you how much the good mothers in this area are tired of seeing your junkie arse skulking around looking like a zombie.

Yesterday 8/14/10, she actually had the nerve to have her john wait for her on Bayard St. while she had another woman take her kid down the street while she scored her dope. The poor lad gets dragged away from the person he thinks is his mom (though using that word in reference to Jodie is a stretch) while Jodie finds her "medicine", and then hops in the van with the very nervous looking older gentleman as they ride off for a date; Jodie was mumbling all the while some sort of under her breath complaint about that guy "who puts her on the Internet every time I turn a trick". Like that's going to make me quit detailing her efforts to keep shitting up our neighborhood.

Hint to the dweeb who picked her up: if you keep checking your mirrors nervously and watching to see if she's coming back and who she's coming back with like a paranoid geezer scared by all the black people around...it's A) pretty obvious you're not relative or a friend, and B) probably a sign you need to find a healthier way to get off. Get yourself some KY and a subscription to a porn site and stay the fuck away from here, dirtbag. And Jodie probably wonders why Child Protective Services is investigating her.

Late model Chevy conversion van, black. Around 545pm. MD tags 22786M1. Sarge, do your worst, and remind the guy just how unwelcome he is.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Couple More

On August 10th around 845pm. Lincoln Navigator, MD Tags 0397 with the little "A" over another "A". Picking up HIV positive/Kaposi's Sarcoma victim Stephanie. Gross. Might want to remind him to get checked out when you write him Sarge.

About 15 minutes later we had Melanie getting picked up by a black male in a Chevy pickup with MD tags 90T 926.

Some People Just Don't Get It

Our friend in the H3 Hummer that we busted last fall when we were doing the john stings? Whose Hummer you see in the upper left hand quadrant of the four johns' vehicles halfway through this video?

He's back tonight (8/13/10 around 9-11pm). He was about to pick up Jodie when he saw me; but then he had the nerve to keep cruising over and over and over for an hour or two making a spectacle of himself.

White Hummer H3, white male, mid 30s. MD tags 789M568. Sarge, do your thing, and ask him to please not come back. We didn't miss him.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Another Group Fighting Prostitution in Their Area

Anonymous said...

Hey, I like what you're doing and I am also doing the same with a group in the Eagle/ Payson/ Wilkens area. I am working with a group and we have a Sargent K that we are working with. Is there a way to get hold of you? If you're willing make a post and I'll get you an email addy. Thanks

Monday, August 2, 2010

DC to Balto

This looked as much like a drug hookup as it did a "date", but in either case facilitating the problem is facilitating the problem.

Black male in his 30s or so, blue beat-to-hell late 90s Toyota Corolla, DC tags DA 5023. Picking up Janet around 720pm on 8/2/2010 on the 1300blk of Washington Blvd right by PS 34.

Janet is a sad case; a few years ago, even by civilian non-hooker standards, Janet was a pretty girl. She just couldn't get off the horse. For a couple years she was gone...and now she's back, and looking like she'd be a lot better off if she wasn't. If you want to get clean and stay clean, you have to really want it and not hang around these parts. Baltimore's a city with a lot of promise, but no place to be if you've got a CDS problem.

Pat, Jodie, Danielle, and the other brunette whose picture has been up on USASG a few times were also making appearances, but business looked pretty slow.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quiet...But Not Too Quiet

It's been slow enough around here lately, despite a few regulars coming back to the 'hood from failed efforts at rehab (Kitten, aka Phyllis Amonica) and stays in the clink or rehab combined (Danielle Stevens). They're not working too hard at hooking, but the regulars like Jodie, Jodie lookalike, and a newcomer who goes by Bubbles are still seen doing their thing occasionally.

Last night 7/27/10 another old time good girl, Janet, who'd gotten cleaned up and left the area for a few years but is now back as well was picked up around 9pm by a black male in his 60s driving a late seventies brown Oldsmobile fud-mobile. MD tags LZM 775.

Spend less on the beejays and more on getting a new ride that won't deplete what left of the ozone layer and the polar ice caps, pops. Geeze.

A black Acura TL late model with a white male, MD tags 2EF S29 was cruising around taking laps on the Carey/Ward/Bayard loop for a while and while I suppose maybe he was looking for a house to invest in, it looked awful suspicious. Our eyes met and from my disapproving stare, I think dude got the message as he drove down the Blvd back toward 95 at a felonious rate. Consider this your warning bub--if I see you picking up, I'll ask Sargent K to send a letter home to mom. No need to send one yet Sarge, but he's been warned.

Rounding out the evening was Bubbles getting picked up by a Buick Rendezvous or similar miniSUV on the corner of Carey and the Boulevard. She told me business has been shitty lately (I wonder why, hehe) but just then had a taker, a black male in the Buick, MD tags 915M956 around 920pm. He's definitely getting a Dear John Sarge...do your worst good sir!

After a hiatus induced by a lack of johns dumb enough to scoop crackwhores where I can see them...PJW is back. I guess the good weather brings out the worst in some of us.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Another Practicing Pervert w/ Indecent Exposure

This guy lives in a nice neighborhood too...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pretty Much Sums It Up

So the USASG guys are getting all hi-tech, y'all! Serial loser Benchseats Rock mentioned to the peanut gallery that you can keep tabs on the armed constabulary by way of sites like rollcallradio.com (or scanbaltimore.com). Hee hee! Listen for the poh-pohs, maybe you'll know when they're coming.

A loyal reader takes a listen and notes:

Pretty interesting site, someones favorite SW was just arrested and taken to CB, unfortunately she was infested with FLEA's

Yup...that's the state of affairs in mongerdom. Their sex workers have fleas (amongst other vermin). Awesome.

One more reason for the wifey back at the trailer park to wonder why you're itching.

Quiet Tonight

Pat Guthrie of Herkimer St and Jodie Buettner were on the prowl. SD Patrol asked them to get lost, and they did. Well...Jodie came back after a while. Then they chased her off again. Danielle and Melanie seemed to know to stay scarce. The guys in SD Patrol really do seem to do a great job, and they don't gripe about getting 911 calls from citizens asking them to de-hooker the corner of Carey and Washington Blvd--they know they'll get fewer calls for drug nuisances and trash dumping and loitering and fighting and violence and shooting when the girls are providing the money that is the engine powering urban blight.

The pickings really are slim for mongers here, and that's a good thing. The corners stay clear, the dealers only make a couple bucks selling to Danielle and Melanie on the sly on 1300 Ward St, and little kids are able to play and their mothers able to walk down the street without dirty old men soliciting them.

Progress, dare I say it.

Baltimore really is a gleaming jewel of an Inner Harbor surrounded by a river a bullshit and grimey blighted third world shytehole. You can't save all of it. Frankly...you wouldn't want to. But our little corner of it can be alright if we actually give a shit about it. Encouraging the mongers to take their action elsewhere sure does help.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Prostitution and FTA

Busted for prostitution and failed to appear.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I Remember Thinking...

...as I took the dog for a walk on the way out the door yesterday that there's no way in the quick walk I was on that I'd be lucky enough to catch a monger mongering. I was in a hurry and it was just a quick pup jaunt.

I thought wrong. Just your bad luck pal that I was there to see you pick up a rather haggard looking and weatherworn Scabface Melanie on the corner of Bayard and the Blvd (yup, right across from a school letting children out for the day) around 4pm on 5/19/10.

Red Subaru beater station wagon.

MD tags: 066 BLD or 066 BLO (that last digit was tough to see for sure as the old white guy sped off...sorry Sarge, guess you'll have to pull both and see which is a red Subaru :))

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Here Kitty Kitty

Lest ye think I'm a heartless bastid, I really do try to be cordial with the girls who've had the misfortune of falling in to the Pigtown crackwhore lifestyle. Some of them have really sad stories. Pat has kids at home on Herkimer and is fighting a habit. Heather Law apparently had a really rough childhood. Kitten (AKA Phyllis Amonica) has an estranged family and is a particularly sad case--we had helped her get cleaned up and in a rehab program where she was able to detox, apparently have a child (shudder), and put some weight back on.

Now she's back.

I saw her get picked up by a late model orange Chevy SST mini-SUV, MD tags 4CL-360. I was going to give the guy a pass, thinking he was a good samaritan trying to get Phyllis Kitten Amonica into rehab again.

Then, about five minutes later, a female friend reported being solicited by some douchebag on the Blvd.

Me: "Was it an orange late model Chevy SST minature SUV type deal with MD tags 4CL-360?"

Her: "How the fuck did you know that?"


Yeah, that was him. Sarge, do your worst. And Phyllis...we told you we wouldn't use your name here as long as you didn't come back.

You came back. Bummer.

Return of the Nutsack Express?

Reddish Orange Chevy Avalanche, with Firefighter (C over F) tags (MD tag 0522) was spotted today. A long time monger who seemed to disappear after being outed in one of our video exposes, he was spotted driving on Ramsay today.

We know he doesn't live around here, but I didn't see him making a pickup either, so I can't confirm the identity of the presumed prostitute in his passenger seat.

Consider this a placeholder bub--if you're back to your old ways, there's a new sheriff in town, who goes by Sgt. K. Many a recent monger divorce and the general dearth of hookers/dicksucking on the WW loop has been thanks to his letters and phone calls to people identified here. Nothing the wife likes less than learning you were out scoring toothless beejays from nasty crackwhores in the big city while she thought you were making a run for cat food.

Just...don't come back.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Danielle Is Out Of Jail

And MD tags 8FZ E34 (or maybe BFZ E34) was dumb enough to pick her up and drop her off on the 1300blk of Ward St.

Black Hyundai or Nissan Sedan, 12:40am 5/14/10.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blowjobus Interruptus

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Tax Day: Ideas For Frugal Living

What do you do when you've just paid a shit-ton of money to Uncle Sam? You find your inner frugal! Time to say goodbye to those $5 lattes and $200 Craigslist callgirls and be sensible about your spending! You're not Charlie Sheen, so it's Sanka and toothless, Pigtown crackwhores who'll give you an unenthusiastic blowjob for the price of a Starbuck's latte.

Just don't get caught with your jorts around your ankles or Po-Po is gonna take you down to Central Booking.

This guy just learned an important lesson in frugality vs cheapness. Frugality is cutting back on your prostitution activities in order to put aside money for a rainy day. Being cheap is driving around a blighted neighborhood looking for drug addicted females willing to give $10 blowjobs. And then, in lieu of a hotel room, getting serviced in your car on a public street.

At least this guy isn't a certain DC cop who just stopped to give a woman a "ride" and got his gun stolen.

Case Information
Case Number:2B02063553Tracking No:106020103453
District Code:01Location Code:03
Document Type:STATEMENT OF CHARGESIssued Date:04/16/2010
Case Status:ACTIVE

Defendant Information
City:MIDDLE RIVERState:MDZip Code:21220 - 0000

Court Scheduling Information
Trial Date:05/17/2010Trial Time:08:30 AMRoom:3
Trial Type:
Trial Location:1400 E. NORTH AVE BALTIMORE 21213-1400
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No:001Description:PERVERTED PRACTICE
Statute:CR.3.322Description:PERVERTED PRACTICE
Amended Date:CJIS Code:6 3600MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From:04/15/2010To:04/15/2010Victim Age:

Nice Try, Sweetheart

The other night Jodie wasn't too happy that I broke up her "date" and came between her and a crack hit. She mouthed some unpleasantries that I ignored and I went to bed eventually. She stuck around the block as she seems to only sleep every three days or so. As Rick James famously pointed out, "cocaine is one helluva drug". Since she's a chemically induced insomniac, she had plenty of free time to do the old key the car trick (she's been busted vandalizing other neighborhood organization leader's cars before, and I guess she decided it was my turn, as I had a three foot long key scratch on the truck in the morning). I should be mad, right? Eh, whatever.

The hilarious part: she keyed the panel on my truck that has a dent from plowing snow and some rust, and was due to be painted in a few weeks. That's right, Crackwhoreus Disgustingus, you keyed a panel with a rust spot and a dent that needs bodywork and paint anyway.

Fucking idiot.

PS: remote camera gets setup in the next week or so. I wonder what somebody with her record gets for malicious destruction of property...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Our Eyes Met, And It Was Magical

No, I'm not relating a tale of urban romance.

Last night Jodie was continuing her "last hooker in Pigtown" act (which explains why the USASG pukes are griping about the lack of selection, believe me...ugh). She was about to have a customer, a fat white guy in a black Chevy Cobalt who was turned around in his seat staring longingly at Jodie, who was eager to please and get her "medicine".

It was then that he noticed me watching him...our eyes met, and for a moment he pondered who I was. After about a second, he realized he was staring into the eyes of the PJW, and he skulked off unsatiated. Poor guy. Guess he made his way back to the wife in the trailer park.

Jodie wasn't too happy about her date being interrupted. Ah well...shit happens, bitch. Especially when you refuse to take your toothless infested crackwhore act somewhere else despite being repeatedly asked to do so by the police and the community at large.

An attempted monger scoop of a prostitute is just as bad as actually doing so, so Sarge K...do your thing. My regards to his wife.

White Male. Black Chevy late model Cobalt (seems to be the monger vehicle of choice...rentals? Nice try boys...it ain't hard for Sarge to get the rental company to give him the name on the credit card)

MD tags KZH 756, attempting to pick up Jodie at 11pm, Bayard and Washington Blvd, 4/14/10.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

White Male, Black Van

Picked up what appears to be almost the Last Hooker Standing, our dear car-vandalizing friend Jodie. Jodie looks like she's been on a seven day bender, slave to the crack pipe. Imagine the mindset that looks at that and says "gee, that's worth twenty bucks". Ugh.

Black van, picking up Jodie on Sunday the 11th around 345pm.
MD tags 22786M1

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Early Bird Gets The Worm (and the gonorrhea, and the chlam, and the festering sores)

Up early this morning (April 8th, at 0530hrs) for a dog walk, and who do we see but our friend Scabface Melanie, feeling her wee hours of the morning crack-jones. Along comes a silver Honda Odyssey with MD tags 605M693 to pick her up on the corner of Washington Blvd and Carey.

Creative folks that they are, they head down to the 1200blk of Bush St, since nobody would ever think to check to see if a public square blowjob would be under way there by the MTA depot where you can occasionally find a lovely collection of used rubbers and needles. Well, nobody, except me. Dude looked pretty surprised to see me walk by the car. A quick scurry of clothes putting back on, and they headed the wrong way down Bush (a one way) and onto Carroll.

Apparently the uhm...task hadn't been completed. How do I know? Because when I hopped into my car and drove down to the 1200blk of Nanticoke, another place nobody would ever think to look for people funding the habits of crackwhores, there they were, still hard at work. A few minutes later it was time for a drive...so just for giggles I followed them down I95 to the Rt100 exit to Rt1 to Amberton Drive...where the Odyssey apparently ended and the post coital cigarette smoking began.

Long drive for the after blow smoke. But that part of the Elkridge business park community is lovely this time of year.

Silver Honda Odyssey
MD Tags

Slender looking mid 40s white male with a ball cap and a really surprised look. Must not read USASG.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Lady in Yellow...Chevy

Last Weds the 31st of March around 6pm, a yellow Chevy Cobalt or Cavalier dropped Erica Lynn Sears off on Bayard and Ward, where she scored some crack off a drug dealer (a guy who isn't a bad kid, but he's not made much with my efforts to get him a straight job, and has two kids to support at 22...sad) and then hopped back in and sped off.

I guess it wasn't enough to tide her over, as a couple days later during a raid at 845 Carroll she and serial crackwhore Danielle Stevens were arrested with some other junkies during a raid.

Guess our buddy in the yellow Chevy will have to shop elsewhere.

Yellow Chevy, late model, MD tags MKE-451.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Sunday, March 21st at 10:40am. Old man in a silver car picked up Danielle on the corner of Washington Blvd and S Carey.

Friday, March 19, 2010

All The Way From The Old Dominion

Another of our local favorites is the young lady who drives the beater late model Nissan Sentra, silver/gray and beat to shit. MD tags 2CS C19 if I recall correctly. She parks on the corner of Carey and Ward with her boyfriend, who baby sits the car while she grabs a "date". She comes back, scores the crack, and away they go.

Today's customer was a late model blue Audi A4 2.0T, nice ride for a guy resorting to the Pigtown crackwhore blowjob. Gotta love it, $30K car, $20 blowjob. Says quality all the way, doesn't it?

Around 130pm today, VA tags JKW 2408.

MD Tags JTJ 684

Picking up on Thurs Mar 11th around 7pm or so local favorite Fat Pat Guthrie, serial prostitute who uses blow job money to pay for diapers and crack.

Gold late model Mercedes, mid-50s black gentleman driver.

Had the courtesy to drop her off about 10 minutes later on the corner of Bayard and Ward so I could get video.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Michael Carter - 2117 Eutaw Place, Baltimore MD
Arrested on 03/12/2010
Charge 1: Perverted Practice <-- means they caught him in the act
Charge 2: Indecent Exposure

Charles Lesane - 3508 Mayfair Rd, Gwynn Oak MD
Arrested on 03/10/2010
Charge: Prostitution

Dear Ms Registered Owner

...of a Jeep Cherokee with MD TAG: 48811M8. An older fat white guy, who probably told you he was going out to Home Depot, was seen picking up a very busted looking woman on the corner of Bayard and Washington Blvd, on 03/17 at 6:52pm.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Men Recently Arrested For Prostitution

Felix Aovare - 4320 Parkside Dr Baltimore MD
Arrested on 03/10/2010
Charge: Prostitution-General

John Brown – 401 NE Onelda St Washington DC
Arrested on 03/10/2010
Charge: Prostitution-General

William Curry – 3112 Brightwood Av Baltimore MD
Arrested 03/09/2010
Charge: Prostitution-General

Brian May – 4800 Richard Ave Baltimore MD
Arrested: 03/09/2010
Charge: Prostitution-General

Prostitution Arrest

Defendant Information
Address:1159 SERGEANT ST
City:BALTIMOREState:MDZip Code:00000 - 0000

Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No:001Description:PROSTITUTION-GENERAL
Amended Date:CJIS Code:1 1093MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 10/16/2009To: 10/16/2009Victim Age:

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Paranoid much, boys?

I haven't posted anything here in over a month. It's been pretty quiet as I think recent incidents have gotten the message across. But just for giggles I check on USASG...and lo and behold, every time somebody mentions not wanting to get busted by PJW, somebody else pipes up and assumes that it's me. As though I don't have anything better to do.

Over the last couple months, they've assumed 4 or 5 screen names are actually me needling them, when in actually none of them are. Safe to say that despite all their bravado about not giving a shit whether we bust them or not...seems they really are paying attention to PJW and seem to see me around every corner and behind every blade of grass.

Awesome. Keep up the stupid work, boys.

Monday, February 15, 2010

More Prostitution Arrests

Several more prostitution-related arrests have been made around the WW Loop. According to our LE source, one guy was charged with Indecent Exposure rather than prostitution because of a technicality.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Perverted Practice Arrest

Hell...I don't have to practice. I'm damn good at it.

Prostitution Arrest

Like the Post Office

crack whores deliver even in the worst conditions.

White guy picked up Jodie on the corner of Ward St/S Carey at 7:04pm on 02.05. Jodie being the classy lady she is, was seen lighting up her crack pipe while driving by. It's pretty bad when a toothless crack whore has to get high before she blows you.


Sgt. K, please make sure the Dear John letter goes to Mrs. Registered Owner.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Manning Up

We received an email from a guy who says his days of looping through neighborhoods and picking up diseased and drug-addicted women are behind him.

We appreciate that this guy manned up and reached out to us. After a few email exchanges, he gave us permission to post this with the hope that other guys will get the message that, this "hobby" puts a lot of people at risk.

"Let me start out by saying that this is not my email, I made it just for this single reason, and to maintain some anonymity. (if that's possible these days) I will continue to Monitor it however for your reply.
Let me begin
I have been a member of a certain site that has recieved alot of attention lately for a while. I have traveled the country and seen lots of girls, yes even in Baltimore. I learned of this site through the site in question. I have avidly kept track of PJW's community takeback. I thought I was invinsible at one time since I have been around the block so to say. I never was a everyday partaker of goods, but would ocasionally sample. I never thought about the girls, my family, or myself for that matter. For me it was just easy, it seemed like it worked out for me and the people I met. I got what I wanted, and they got what they wanted. I never thought I would be caught, heck I didn't even think PJW would have any luck with such an inbedded problem. I say problem because it has been until recently I had no idea of the shame and hurt that can ensue. I have read your site and read reports on (that other site) and began to see the story behind the facade.
These are real people, who have real problems and real families. I have had my eyes opened. I almost lost the love of my life due to my ignorance, and have since vowed a new path. I slipped up and my other half found out about my occasional habit. Luckily for me she decided to stay and work things out with counciling. Since then I have been very reluctant to send you this email for fear of you turning against me. I have been lucky, I've never been caught, never fined, no diseases. I even have been able to keep my life somewhat in one piece, so why take the chance of creating more issues with this email? I guess I have seen my wrong, lucky for me I have found the right path before it was to late. I will hope when I give permission to share this on PJW it will show others it's not worth it, not just in Baltimore, but anywhere. I know you can post this if you want to, but again I ask in good faith to wait. It took alot of guts for me to do this,
knowing the risk, it is just something that has been eating my insides as if I had to do it to free myself. I just hope it will save others befoe it's to late for them.
On other notes I do see what your doing as positive, I would feel the same way if it were my block. (now that my eyes are open). I am sorry, and am even more sorry for myself and what I have done. I did not see the damage being done before my eyes, I guess now is better than never. I have since resigned my account at said website(it takes 2 years inactivity to happen though according to to webmaster) I also would willing to assist you in anyway with the limited knowledge I have. I do have one item that may be of intrest to you. Since I intend my story to be posted in due time, I will save that info for your reply."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Eh, I shouldn't be so harsh. Don't let the misplaced and incorrectly chosen punctuation, illiterate-sounding syntax and grammar errors, and brain-dead tone of GGW's post fool you:

They dont make any sense. They say, for us to use craigslist instead of looking around ww loop. What is the difference. Doing the same thing. Buying pussy. The girls on craigslist ask for more money for the same thing.

He's asking a serious question. He really wants to know the difference between him picking up drug addicted streethookers who live in abandoned houses and shit in the alleys and backyards of private citizens and suck these guys off in public places and leave needles and used condoms in school playgrounds and parks and are a prime source of the demand for narcotics in South Baltimore and cause innocent, non-hooker women to get solicited by angry, aggressive johns and guys using escorts in the privacy of motel rooms.

Geeze, yeah, what could possibly be the difference?

At least he's admitting what they're really about--paying bottom dollar.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Emails We Get

My good buddy Sgt. K writes:

Just so you know were getting more and more feed back with the [Dear John] letters.
One guy called [to complain about me] because his wife opened it. He didn't deny
the allegations [that he'd been spotted picking up hookers in Pigtown], just that
his wife opened it. I was less than sympathetic. The pressure continues!

Our friend the Horsetrader wrote on USASG that he hadn't gotten a letter yet; must not have been his wife opening the mail that day. Oh well, keep it up bud, as it'll be your turn to be in that database soon enough. Not everyone gets caught every time, but some of us will catch some of the mongers some of the time. Sooner or later, it'll be your turn. Keep tempting fate!

If you can't tell, between the child porn and the recent revelations about some mongers' identities, the heat is getting turned up. Do you guys STILL wanna pretend we're not serious, or going away soon? REALLY?

Please. By all means. Be our guest.

I seriously just don't get it. What's so hard about finding an escort, getting a hotel room of Rt 1 by the hour, and leaving our neighborhood alone? Is being stubborn and "winning" this battle of wills really worth becoming the next Mizzle? BPD is looking to make examples of you. You'd think that'd be reason enough to call off the hunt and take it elsewhere. Are you THAT pathetic that you can't get yours any other way, that the downtrodden, end of their rope type addicts in Pigtown are the only places you can score?


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Brooklyn John Watch

I missed this article when it came out in December. Fortunately, one of our readers emailed me and included the link. It makes me so happy to know that there are others out there who are taking action to protect their neighborhoods.

If you want to use our blog to post information on the johns who lurk in your area, please feel free to contact us. I'm sure there's plenty of overlap, as these guys will spend hours/days roaming various places, hopped up on Viagra, in search of low-cost quickies.


Jackson Bond and Powertools Software

...is the mega douche behind USA Sex Guide. Looks like he was sued back in 2006 by a rival sex guide website.


A Politician, a Pediatrician and a Cop Walk Into A Bar

...the bartender says....."get the fuck outta here"!

.....cuz these guys have carnal knowledge of a certain HIV+ pigtown hooker (former), and the bartender doesn't want that kind of trash in his joint.

Yep, a politician, a pediatrician and a cop have all been with a HIV+ woman (many times). I'm sure she's not the only sick woman these men have been with, but the only one we can confirm.

Two of these guys are definitely out on USASG (right, Larry56?), and the other is known to have gotten serviced while on duty. Can't reveal identities right now, but hold tight, as this is about to get as ugly as a heron-addicted Pigtown junkie.

How many parents have taken their children to see the good 'ol doc right after he's come off the WW Loop? Makes you sick, doesn't it?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Baltimonger's Co-worker

Seems like a female reader isn't too impressed by being regaled with tales of mongering by her postal worker co-worker. She left a comment about this guy and wants to provide his identity to us.

She mentioned certain characteristics of this guy, and we cross-referenced it with info we've been able to obtain ourselves. Looks like Baltimonger is the winner of our 'guess who loses his anonymity today' contest. As a winner, you're entitled to a very nice parting gift, similar to the one that AAcountyman is about to receive. It may not arrive today, tomorrow or next week, but as players in the Pigtown mongering game, it will eventually reach you. Thanks for playing!

It would have been so much easier for you if you had taken the path of least resistance and not continued to monger in our neighborhood, or provide Sebastian's personal information (and attack his wife - who had nothing to do with this), on your website.

Btw - to the lady who left the comment last night: you can contact me with his info at dacman1972@gmail.com.

Oh and Muff Scout...please feel free to tell your cop friend where we live and that he's welcome to stop by anytime. He can even knock on the door. We're all real impressed, Champ.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

We Surrender!

Just like the French. As soon as those hardened warriors fired the first volley, we decided to surrender. I mean, it's not like we didn't put up a good fight - these guys are just too tough though.

They've threatened to --- wait for it ----- wait for it ----- DRIVE DOWN OUR STREET AND HONK THEIR HORNS!!! GOD NO! WHERE'S YOUR HUMANITY?!?!

Oh wait, you pay sick women to suck your puny members in public places. You have no humanity.

Again, please caravan down our street so we can videotape the MONGER SURGE into Pigtown and take down tags.

We may not come to your house tomorrow, or next week, or even next year, but believe me - we will use the info you so easily provide and track you down. Just when you think we've gone away and you're back in business, we're going to caravan down your streets with horns honking. But unlike you, we're going to get out of our cars.

...and Dan in Severna Park, you're at the top of the list.

More From USASG

Any woman is fair game to these pathetic losers. This is another reason why street prostitution is not a victimless crime. I've seen young girls solicited in Pigtown who were just trying to get to the store and back. I've seen mothers solicited while returning from dropping their children off at the elementary school on Washington Blvd.

These are their words:

The great difference between Balti and DC

As LL's pics show it is easy to spot the SW's in DC unlike their mufti counterparts to the North. In DC it is so easy to spot em that it is almost no sport. In Baltimore the hunt is always half the thrill. You never know who is a SW and who is a civilian. Makes it fun to pull up to some chick that you think is possibly working only to find out her hubby on the stoop will be coming after you with a crow bar for dissing his woman.

More Muff Scout

This speaks for itself:

Muff Scout
Senior Member
Reports: 485
Thanks Doc.

Make sure that pregnant streetwalker is as far along as possible. I have this fantasy about banging a pregnant streetwalker so hard, I break her water

Second your comments to True Drew. Dude, change your screen name pronto. Didn't you see my post about how the girls figure out who is who based on facts in our postings. I think LE is at least as intelligent.

For my 100th post, I would like to describe a wonderful session with blonde Kim 9:12 PM, where I give her $60 in US currency in return for which I bang her pussy, then I shove my viking horn in her shit chute, then pull it out for some ATM.

Oops, I shouldn't have said all that.

Safe hunting to all.

Muff Scout

Benchseats Sag

Here's a nice little ditty from one of the guys who wants to go to war with us: Benchseats Rock Sag. It sums up the mindset of the disgusting degenerates who prey on drug-addicted women and communities. He's laughing at the state of decline of another human being. I can't wait for this piece of shit to slip up.

Flame on Bench

Originally Posted by Benchseats Rock
Why don't you remind Pam that she's a who*re who likes the money almost as much as she likes the drugs she pumps into her body with every lying, compulsive, sperm coated breath she takes. And like most of these girls, she doesn't seem to care where the money comes from - especially when she needs it, which if you haven't noticed is all the fucking time. If she has regrets after the fact, well that's her problem - maybe she'll quit being a hooker (HA!!!!!) and then you can quit posting here altogether - not that your posting here actually means anything - and will not have any effect on anybody or anything anyway. Your biggest problem other that you are the poster child for an abortion campaign, is that you want to fight her battles for her, which means you're wrapped up in her day to day excuse for a life - I almost pity you, but she does suck and swallow like a champ, so I can understand where it is you're coming from, I just wouldn't ever want to go there myself.

Benchseats Rock

Remember How They Wanted To Sue Us For Defamation?

And we said "by all means, go ahead, because we're not posting anything that isn't true, and truth is an absolute defense to slander and libel claims?"

Seems like our friends aren't just disgusting human beings over at USASG, they're also hypocrites.

Does anyone remember the SW who used to work by the school about a couple of years ago? She would walk with her hair shielding her face on traffic side, then flip her hair to other side when she turns around? she told me that Sabastian picked her up one time pretending to be under cover officer, then agreed to let her go after little penetration. Two weeks later he was threatening to kill her for giving him Herpes. Can I cash in on this little story in court?

Here's Subzero posting an out and out fabrication that's clearly defamatory as it's A) blatantly not true, B) intended to defame my character by falsely suggesting I committed a series of criminal actions, and C) he knows it's not true at the time he writes it. Hehe! Fun.

Guys, for the last time, you're NOT going to make us go away by needling us and trying to sling mud at us. Why? Because we're the good guys. There's no dirt to dig up. There's nothing we really need to hide, unlike you. We have the SAO, BPD, the CLC, and public opinion on our side, and on your side there's a bunch of sick fucks that get off abusing diseased, disadvantaged women.

And GGW, for the millionth time...we do go after the drug dealers. We've been doing it for years. It's been all over the news for years. Where ya been? And how do you think I got the elusive MD carry permit? It certainly isn't because you douchebags are any sort of threat to me.

Muff Scout And The Art of War

I'm no Sun Tzu, but I have read the book, and when Muff Cub Scout called for a war against us "Assholes" in Pigtown, one would assume he'd MAN-UP and devise a tactical plan that would at least make him (and his clown posse), a legitimate adversary.

No....this reprobate decided he would lay siege on Pigtown by sodomizing a sick and addicted prostitute. A woman whose sickness makes her compromise herself by allowing a piece of shit she normally would never allow to touch her, to abuse her. Why? Because this piece of shit managed to steal $10.00 out of his wife's purse, and the prostitute is desperate to get high.

Here's some text from Muff Cub Scout's USASG post. His plan to attack us? To "pick up a Ho to fuck up the ass". What a warrior.

esterday at 01:15 #3957
Senior Member
Reports: 485

Let me start by saying I wish Mizz the best of luck, God Bless, there but for the grace of God go I.

Agree with BM and Happy 100%.

Spend the money and get yourself a good lawyer.

We need to declare war on these Pigtown assholes.

Maybe we should have a meeting to plan a strategy of attack.

I'm serious.

Am heading down to Pigtown to pick up a Ho to fuck up the ass.

Will report in the AM.

Safe hunting to all.

Muff Scout
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Friday, January 22, 2010

It's War!

When Benchseats Rock Sag and Muff Scout decided it was time to declare war on us, I was reminded of another fine example of righteous outrage and a noble declaration of war.

This is probably about what it looks like when a couple dopey schlubs from the trailer park decide to declare war on us.

I'm trying to decide what's funnier--dude thinking he's going to get us to knock it off by intimidating us, or the thought of a bunch of "mongers" hanging out in Muff Scout's mamma's basement in Arbutus figuring out how to get back at us.

On their side: a bunch of cowards who hide behind anonymous (well...not nearly as anonymous as they wished they were, hehe) screen names and abuse addicted women.

On our side: WVDA (our membership includes two police officers, people who work for the State's Atty's office, and business owners in Pigtown), the Community Law Center, Southern District Ops (the plainclothes guys that are making life difficult for you), the commander of the Southern, the BPD Neighborhood Services Unit, and of course a very receptive, happy to see us in business State's Atty's Office.

Anybody wanna choose up sides? I'm no ace handicapper, but I think I know how this "war" is going to pan out. Like I've been begging you guys to do...BRING IT!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

More Mizzle Misery

The illiterate ramblings on USASG are nothing if not edifying (about how poorly considered their every action seems to be) when they get on their moral high horse.

Sayeth the Good Doctor Dunk:
Now on to the PJW I feel that to put someone's info out like that is totally out of line.
Maybe I missed it, but I don't recall DrDipshit having the same objection when my personal information was shared with all 13 people who read the Streetwalker Forums over there on a regular basis (not that I object either--if I was worried about people knowing who I am or what I do or what my stance is re: what ails Baltimore, I wouldn't be using my real name or talking to news cameras, reporters, cops, and other community groups). But the hypocrisy seems pretty galling.

In any event, the Good Doctor misses the larger point--I'm not the one doing anything illegal or contributing to the continued downward spiral of an addicted, abused woman. Any claim on the ethical high ground kinda melts away when you get your jollies by taking advantage of a drug addict in a public place.

Dr. Doofus rambles on:
I know what we do is what you may call morally incorrect
Ya don't say.
but what gives them the right to display someone's court info
The same right everyone has--it's public info because the taxpayers are charging you with a crime. They put it there for a reason. Something to think about the next time you're feeling the urge to get a toothless sore infested addict to blow you: any more potential employers are going to Google you. Imagine how much they'll enjoy reading about you here. It's public information because the public has the right to know what their tax dollars are doing in re: law enforcement, and who the criminals amongst us are.
I personally think that the gentlemen that runs the website has some other motive other than protecting the neighborhood I don't know what it could be.
You're right, we push brooms around on Saturday mornings in the rain and cold and heat and take the chance the community activist takes when he or she sticks up for their neighborhood in Baltimore for some other reason...hmmm...yeah I can't imagine what it could be either.

Anyway, the 29th is my birthday. I can't imagine a better present than talking with the SAO and the judge about the "victimless crime" our buddy Mark committed and how it'd be nice if they'd actually give people a reason to quit feeding the problem.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Mizzle on USASEXGUIDE, was just busted having sex with a hooker named Shannon, who he picked up around Wilkins Ave. According to Mizzle, two undercover cops watched him pick up Shannon and then followed him to a public location where he was observed getting his $10.00 toothless BJ. Way to go BCPD!

This class act was given a criminal citation to appear in court for perverted practice. We just made a trip over to this guy's neighborhood, and let's just say he isn't a bachelor (or maybe that was his mother). I wonder if this guy's wife/mother knows? Wonder if his neighbors know? Maybe we'll take another trip out and ask them. It's only fair - you drive through our neighborhood - get BJs on our streets. Now, we'll come to you. Everyone will eventually get a visit. One way or another, we'll find out where you live and come to you.

By the way: we're overdue for our Delmar visit.

UPDATE: Here's the post by Mizzle. Wow. Looks like a $10.00 BJ is going to turn into a $2500.00 BJ.

Originally Posted by Mizzle
I'm hoping everyone will read this and give me some good advice, not flame me. Trust me, I know how I screwed up. I was sloppy and didn't pay attention.
Here's what happened. I picked up a very nice SW Thur night down by the circle. We did the standard check and drove to a nice spot. 30 seconds after the fun began, the spotlights came out of everywhere and we were busted.
I just got out of central booking after 18 hours of complete misery. I've been charged with, "committing a certain unnatural and perverted sexual practice" (it was a bbbj)
I have a court date in two weeks and the charge carries a maximum of 10 years and/or $1000 fine.
As for me, my record is basically clean. I got a PBJ for a DUI four years ago, but completed everything satisfactory.
Has anyone been in this situation? Does anyone have a lawyer to recommend? I can only afford about $500 tops for a lawyer, so I'm sure pickings will be slim. Or am I too worried? Should I go with a public defendor and fall on my sword in court and expect probation? Any feedback at all is appreciated. Please PM if you prefer. And again, please don't flame me, I've been doing it to myself for the last 18 hours.

Thanks for listening

UPDATE: I've decided to remove Mizzle's personal info, as it's not our intent to make this one guy pay for the transgressions of all Pigtown Mongers. We've heard from him, and believe him when he says he will no longer be getting public blowjobs on our streets.

We know where he lives, what he drives and what he looks like - if we see him on our streets again, the info will go back up.